Talking to...

Paul Takchi

If there’s one guy who knows plants, it’s Paul Takchi.

Paul is the owner of Exotic Nurseries & Landscaping, one of Australia’s leading wholesale nurseries. Having grown and sourced plants to landscape contractors, architects, designers, property developers, builders and garden centres for more than 30 years, they have helped create loads of unique gardens. We use exotic nurseries for Australian natives, exotics and ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as cactus and succulent.  And always, their quality is spot on.

We sat down with Paul, to pick his brain about what’s most popular now in plants, and what he thinks people are going to be asking for next.

Trends in plants

1.      What’s trending right now in plants?  What are you seeing more of? Why do you think this is so?

Winter is still well and truly upon us but Spring will be here before we know it. This means it’s a great chance to get ahead in the garden and there a lot that can be done.

Although it seems that the garden is still fast asleep there’s a lot going on underground that we can’t see. Worms and other critters are already waking up and getting busy, so give them some love and they’ll pay you back later. Incorporate generous amounts of organic matter in to soil where possible. This can include compost, broken down leaves and grass clippings as well as well rotted manures such as cow and sheep. Stay away from chicken poo unless is really old, it may be too high in nutrient for this time of the year. Doing this will open up and aerate the soil as well as giving a much needed feed to your underground army of helpers. Feeding should be held off until September, use a complete fertiliser applied according to the instructions provided.

Deciduous trees are also coming back to life, their leaves are still quite away off but their roots are starting to fire up and spread. This is where you can really get the jump on Spring growth, get them in now and when the weather starts to warm up they be ready to hit the ground running.

2.      What do you predict is coming next in plants? 

There’s been a real shift towards sustainable landscapes in recent years. This is due in most part to increasingly unpredictable weather patterns. This has led to a lot of Landscapers and Designers rethinking old perceptions of aesthetics paving the way for exciting new trends in Landscape design.

3.      What is the one design rule in the garden you should never break?

One thing that really stands out is the use of form and texture in the landscape. Plants such as Cacti and Succulents are being used more and more. Not only for their adaptability, but also for their striking forms and contrasting colours.  They give a refreshing and modern look to the garden that can complement architecture and bring strong structure to the landscape. This is a trend that is really gaining momentum and doesn’t look to going anywhere soon.

It’s important to remember that when using plants with strong, bold, there is the risk of things looking too “placed”. To avoid this, use clusters of uneven numbers to retain a more natural feel.

4.      What is the greatest advice about plants that any has given you?

I think that the best advice I’ve ever received in regards to plants in the garden is that they plants should work for you instead of you working for them. With the current move towards the use of plants that are adaptable to our changing environment this has never been truer.

Cathy Ellis